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Mercury Soccer

Helping young athletes rise

Mercury Soccer FAQ's

We are very pleased with the amount of interest that Mercury Soccer has generated so far in the Cincinnati soccer community, and we have received many questions regarding our program. We wanted to list some of the most frequently asked questions so that everyone can be as informed as possible.

1. Where will Mercury teams train during the 2017-2018 season?

Teams will train at Miami White Water during the months of August through October, and April through Memorial Day.  Training that takes place in the months of November through February will be held at local turf fields around the area.

2. What will the seasonal training cycle for the different age groups?

Players will train 3x per week from August through October at Miami White Water,  November through January will be a rest period for these players to play other sports, and Mercury will most likely offer an inexpensive winter training option for players who want to do extra during this time. Players will train 2x per week from February until Miami White Water is open to resume training there. Players will train 3x per week from the time Miami White Water opens through Memorial Day and tryouts for the next season.

Players will begin training at the beginning of November through December 2x per week at turf fields around the area. Players will resume training 2x per week in February at turf fields around the area until Miami White Water is open. Players will train 3x per week at Miami White Water through Memorial Day and tryouts for the next year.

3. I have seen the down payment amount and monthly club fees on your website. What are the extra team fee costs?

There are NO team fees. Your club fees include all costs except uniforms and travel expenses.

4. What leagues will Mercury teams play in?

Teams will primarily compete in Buckeye Premier or equivalent league levels.

5. What tournaments will Mercury teams compete in?

U7/U8  teams will compete in a total of 2 tournaments throughout the 2017-2018 seasonal year 
U9-U14 teams will compete in a total of 6 tournaments throughout the 2017-2018 seasonal year 

2 of the 6 events will most likely involve some travel regionally.

U15-U19 teams will compete in 5 events from November through June including OSYSA State Cup.

Mercury Soccer will put teams into the most competitiveevents possible. All Mercury teams have been pre-accepted into all St. Louis Scott Gallagher events, which include themost competitive events in Midwest. Mercury Soccer has many relationships with quality clubs and events, which will provide excellent exposure regionally and nationally.

6. I’ve heard your club is “for profit.” Is this true, and what does it mean for my child?

Yes, this club is structured as an LLC, nor do we try to hide this because we feel it is a benefit to the club’s families and not a draw back.

The differences are:
1. We are not tax exempt, so we have to pay taxes.

2. We do not have a parent run board, which changes the direction of the club with each election.

If you have ever felt that club soccer is too political, you will agree that having people sit on a board that also have their child’s playing career to worry about have a conflict of interest. This is what creates the negative politics.

Soccer decisions will be made for the best interest of each individual player by soccer professionals at Mercury. Without a board, we can make these decisions dispassionately, and without being beholden to anyone with a conflict of interests.

3. Mercury Soccer can also make executive decisions expediently to benefit the players and families without having to run it through a committee or larger decision making structure. We all know how much better decisions are made when you involve more and more people ;)

7. Do I have to attend all three tryout days to be considered?

No, come to as many tryouts as you can make. While the more times we see your child, the more accurate impression we can gain of them. Even one tryout attended can be plenty.

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Contact Us

Mercury Soccer

Cincinnati, Ohio  

Phone : 513-295-3574
Email : [email protected]
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